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Please use the form below if you have any questions about orders, prices, upcoming exhibitions or if you just want to check how my day is going. Looking forward to hearing from you. 

If you don't see a reply from me, check your trash bin.

I always respond within 24 hours.

Mobile: +46 707 674 617


Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Orders and portraits with special requests

A: Yes, and I love working with missions!

A: Most missions start with a simple description of what you are looking for. We then chat back and forth by phone, email or text. Once we've come up with a general direction, size and budget, I'll send you a summary of the order and deposit request to initiate the order.

Go to the portraits page and fill in the form HERE and send me a request and tell me about your idea. Or let me come up with possible ideas ;)

A: Test me.

Don't be afraid to ask me anything you have in mind. Commissioning art is a great way to get a piece that complements your home and special desires. It is a very personal process for me and can require a lot of work. But the effort is that you get a unique piece of art, custom made for you.

A: As long as you like my current work and allow me my share of artistic control, I'm happy to comply with your opinions and any edits. I will send you process images so that you feel you can express your opinions before the painting is even considered "finished" and it makes it easier for me to get it just right.

A: Of course and you will receive photos and updates by email and feedback is encouraged throughout the process, but most importantly at the beginning when you receive the sketches and the commission overview.

A: Yes, this is a common Commission request and something I am happy to discuss.

A: You pay in two instalments - 50% of the cost initially to start your order and the remaining half when your painting is complete and you are 100% satisfied with the finished painting. Once everything is complete you make your final payment and I arrange delivery or shipping.

A: Send me an email with your thoughts about motifs and size and I get back to you with a specific price.

A: Generally 8-12 weeks, depending on the scope of the project and my schedule, but I love a good deadline so if you have something specific coming up—an anniversary, party, etc. I will do my best to get it to you by then.

A: Yes. These sort of commissions are best facilitated by sending me photos of the location, paint colors, fabric swatches, design boards, etc.


A: Rates will certainly vary depending on where you live. If you live in Sweden the delivery can be easily arranged. If you are ordering an art piece from another country, the cost will depend of the specific charges your country have. Such as taxes and import duty. Email me for more specific details. If you order from abroad you can choose to have the painting shipped in a cardbord tube and arrange the framing in your own country. This will significantly reduce the shipping costs.

Lectures/Art Classes?

A: Yes, I give lectures both for companies and at art schools, but only in Sweden and in Swedish. If your company or art school wants information about cost and arrangement, send me an email and tell me what you have in mind, or I can help you with interesting suggestions that might suit you.

A: Yes, I usually teach oil painting (and I love it!), but for the last few years I haven't had time to work on anything other than my own paintings and commissions. Feel free to send me an email if you'd like to receive information the next time I post new classes.

Personal questions

A: Wow, that's a lot. Animals, caricatures, human behaviour, the old masters; Rembrandt, Norman Rockwell, Anders Zorn, etc. etc. ... and SO many different artists alive today. The world is full and amazing and inspiring people. It would be a whole page if I stacked up all the artists I admire and am inspired by. But mostly what inspires me is human behavior I see in others and even in myself.

And of course the different behaviors of animals and their humor (everyone who has pets knows this) Animals always make my heart happy. So all kinds of animals are always an endless source of ideas.

A: I use oil and acrylic. In oils mainly the brands Winsor & Newton Professional, Rembrandt, Williamsburg Handmade Oils, Beckers, Old Holland. And in acrylics the brands Winsor & Newton Professional and Golden.

No I am not sponsored by any of them, they are simply my got to favourite colours.

A: I think that question is very difficult to answer. Rather, I don't know how to find the time to do all the ideas I have. My head is what I call, a messy but colourful place full of ideas.

And cats. And dogs. And squirrels. And birds...

I guess when you stop questioning your ideas it's like drilling for water, if you work at it long enough it will be there in abundance.

A: "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up." -Pablo Picasso
This quote from Pablo Picasso gets to a core issue that I think many creative people overlook.
Life routinely knocks the dream of being an artist out of many people. Some of us lose determination over time while others may focus more on other aspects of life and lose interest.
Some of us listen to bad advice, like how impractical certain desires are, and we let naysayers crush our dreams.
Stop listening to them and prove them wrong instead.

  • Be patient and develop a creative practice, painting daily if possible.
  • Hang out with other artists and encourage them.
  • Working as an artist requires a marketing strategy and a business plan.
  • Be yourself, don't chase "popular".
  • Don't compete or compare yourself to others.
  • Never give up.
  • Remember to pat yourself on the back and celebrate every milestone. Even the smallest ones.
  • Go for it, never give up and remember "Slow And Steady Wins The Race".
  • ...

A: The best thing you can do at this stage is to really refine your drawing and layout skills. Set up a still life to draw so you can learn light and shade. Draw from a model or photos of people to get a handle on perspective. Once you have a good drawing base and good concepts, the painting will follow. It's good to study the old masters, go to museums and get close to the paintings. Be patient and practice...

A: Unfortunately not. You may be attacked by my lions.


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